No. These products are formulated especially for people with very dry, curly or frizzy hair and would be too heavy for straighter/finer hair.
I used too much of the product in my hair and can't get it to shampoo out. What should I do?
As with all of our hairdress formulas, we recommend using these products sparingly. To remove excess product we suggest the following: Use 2 parts shampoo (that has been formulated for oily hair/scalp) mixed with 1 part baking soda to form a paste. Dampen the hair with tepid (no hot) water and apply mixture as you would a shampoo, concentrating on problem areas. Rinse with tepid water. Repeat. Please note: Using hot water will only make the product spread faster, which you do not want to do. It is better to use this remedy once or twice a day over the course of 2-3 days, rather than trying it multiple times in a row.
Will using a daily hairdress help my hair grow?
Palmer's Hair Care line of products are targeted at delivering essential vitamins that help hair grow healthy and long. They are blended with Vitamins A, D & E along with other natural extracts like jojoba, balsam and protein to pack a punch against breakage and weak brittle hair. On average, normal adults lose around 100 hairs per day due to the natural hair growth cycle. Once an old hair "dies," a new one starts generating in a phase known as anagen. This is when the new hair growth is the most vulnerable. Naturally curly hair or certain types of hair that are prone to extreme frizziness or dryness will start to coil while growing and can weaken or break the new follicle. That is why it is important to infuse the scalp (while also making sure to give some attention to those dry ends) with conditioner pomades, such as the ones found in the Palmer's Hair Care range to seal and protect the hair - giving it a fighting change to grow strong!